Are you the parent of a Year 12 or 13 pupil, who is currently completing A-levels and has an autism diagnosis?
If so, you may be interested in taking part in the following research project:
Investigating autistic young people’s social communication needs during the transition to adulthood: An exploratory study of parents’ perceptions and experiences
Who am I?
Hi, my name is Laura Whitehead, and I am a Trainee Educational Psychologist at the University of Manchester.
What is the research about?
This research is investigating the views of parents in relation to their child’s social communication needs as they transition to adulthood. It will explore parental experiences of the support provided by their child’s educational setting and their views on what may facilitate improved practice in this area.
What would taking part involve?
Taking part would involve an interview with myself, lasting approximately 1 hour. The interview will be conducted remotely via Microsoft Teams, and will be arranged at a time convenient for you.
If you would like more information, or are interested in taking part in this research, please contact me at: